Food poisoning in summer

In summer the possibilities of food poisoning they increase, and if we have small children, we must take extreme care to avoid them. A diarrhea for this reason can be serious especially in children.

Hygiene is essential. Both kitchen tools and cloths with which we wash surfaces must be very clean, and when it comes to wipes, disinfection is essential. Of course, before cooking and eating you have to wash your hands, and accustom the little ones to doing so, as well as washing your hands after using the bathroom.

To prevent summer food poisoning Keep in mind that food can also be a source of infections. The usual rules are now more important than ever. Maintaining the cold chain, especially in the frozen ones, not refreezing and defrosting inside the refrigerator are measures that can save us from some disgust.

Raw egg should not be consumed, so you can avoid homemade mayonnaise and cook eggs and tortillas so that they are well made inside.

It is important to cook all foods well in general, preventing them from being raw inside. Nor should mix or allow raw meats or fish to come into contact, which can also release juices, with foods such as fruits and salad vegetables that we are going to eat raw.

It is also not advisable to use the same cooking instruments for raw and cooked products, even avoiding that the fork with which we put a raw fillet in the pan is the same that we use to serve them already cooked. And when eating out, take into account that a restaurant or dining room that does not give us great confidence is better to avoid it, although the staff that handles food is obliged to pass a course that gives them the necessary knowledge to Avoid poisoning.

With the baby food You have to be very careful in transport or storage, allowing them to cool gradually and then keeping them cold until they are consumed. Do not leave them out of the fridge or take them without a cooler to the beach or for a walk. With the heat of summer, bacteria grow faster. Fruits should be washed carefully and preferably peeled.

Regarding water, if we have the slightest doubt, it must be consumed bottled, not allowed to drink directly from the bottle and not accept that ice is placed that may be of doubtful origin.

If we make bottles for our children, the rules of preparation and conservation should be carried out carefully, since warm milk is a very appropriate growth field for bacteria. That is why both the sterilization of bottles and teats, and the preparation of the bottle are now more important than ever.

Now, for a happy summer without dislikes, the prevention of food poisoning, which increase with heat, is a task that must not be stopped at any time.

Video: Ibiza Vlog - Summer 2017- Cafe Mamboo & Getting food poisoning!!! (July 2024).