Peach, apple and kiwi smoothie. Recipe for pregnant women

We had not presented the recipe for a drink like today, peach, apple and kiwi smoothie, and the truth is we could put many more with how rich they are, how healthy and appetizing they are. As we have said on another occasion we can take them both as a snack and to take between meals.

This great vitamin cocktail It gives us an extra in vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, folic acid, fiber and fat free.

The ingredients for 2 people

1 apple, 1 peach, 1 kiwi, the juice of an orange, the juice of 1/2 lemon, 4 tablespoons of honey, 4 ice cubes.

Milkshake preparation

Peel the apple, the peach and the kiwi, chop them and put it in the blender-crusher.

We also add orange juice, lemon juice, honey and ice cubes.

We crush everything.

Preparation time | 5 minutes
Difficulty | Low


Of course we serve it quickly to prevent you from losing even one of your vitamins.

As always we can serve it in a fantastic glass, with a couple of little canes, an umbrella and the ornament that we want, to enjoy our peach, apple and kiwi smoothie, just as we would in the most sophisticated summer terrace we can imagine.

Video: 12 Healthy Smoothies (July 2024).