Andaluna and Samir, excellent website for education in values

The basis for an experience and coexistence based on respect, tolerance and responsibility must be established at home, in the family environment, which is where our children grow up and from where they leave "to the outside world". So parents have a responsibility for that education, and a tool that can help us from home is an interesting website aimed at children for education in values, Andaluna and Samir.

The characters on this page, launched by the Junta de Andalucía, are responsible for introducing the little ones in the concepts of tolerance and diversity. We find topics such as school, immigration, family, abuse, justice ...

The different topics can be addressed supported by excellent teaching material. The different characters, the little Andaluna, Samir, Margarita, Jairo and Aaron, are a gang of friends of different races and abilities. I liked that, in addition, we also know the families of each of them, which are a sample of the spectrum so wide that exists today in our society: from traditional nuclei to homosexual couples or separated parents.

The web is organized from educational chapters of different themes:

  1. Integration of foreigners

  2. The families

  3. Gender equality

  4. Children and health

  5. Report of child abuse

  6. Respect for the enviroment

  7. Integration of people with disabilities

  8. Children, justice and police

  9. Adoption

  10. Good use of new technologies

  11. Peer Violence

  12. Children and school

  13. Cooperation and solidarity

Each content is explained and has an animated video of great quality in which to see the adventures that the characters go through. Without a doubt this is the section that children will most like, once they meet the characters, they see them acting in everyday situations: In addition, we have the section of games to exercise memory and downloads of wallpapers and multimedia.


In another section, children can know their rights and know where to go in case of suffering a problematic situation, starting by telling parents or teachers and attaching toll-free phone numbers.

There is also a section with information for fathers and mothers, with topics as interesting as adoption, gender equality, respect for the environment or the responsible use of new technologies. Also a guide to explain to the little ones the plots lived by the characters of the web, so that no detail is escaped. And with links of interest from official bodies and for more information.

Definitely, The Andaluna and Samir website seemed to me to be an excellent resource both for the variety of content and the quality of them. An entertaining and didactic way of approaching the smallest of the house to the values ​​that will guide and move you as educated and responsible people.

Official Site | Andaluna In Babies and more | Listen to "Tales for Peace", Intercentros Project, to encourage coexistence and tolerance among children, Noguays, cartoons for integration and solidarity

Video: Igualdad de Género Andaluna y Samir (May 2024).