Invisible motherhood: interview with Laura Gutman

Laura Gutman She is a family therapist and writer. We have talked about it already on many occasions. On this occasion I bring you this video that contains an interview that is conducted and which addresses some issues on which I propose a common reflection: the invisibility of motherhood in today's society.

His thesis is that motherhood makes us invisible to society and does not value us for being mothers, but for other activities we do externally: studies, professional development, social success. Therefore, unconsciously, although we are trained as mothers in parenting and education, we seek the external recognition we need to feel valued in the areas that society does applaud.

Laura Gutman also explains that motherhood should not be a place of submission and weakness. He believes that the great social advances that have allowed women to study, participate in political decisions and work have made us have to leave another side on a secondary level that also makes us very powerful and valuable.

Being mothers makes us very important, makes us feel powerful and valid, in addition to becoming fundamental people for the progress of societies because the happiness and health of future generations depends on us. That is why being a mother and taking care of our children, whether we work or not away from home, must again be considered a social value.

Do you consider that you are socially valued or, as Laura Gutman argues in this interview, motherhood (and fatherhood) are invisible?

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | "The revolution of mothers": Laura Gutman's new book, who is Laura Gutman?

Video: El Poder de las Madres para cambiar el Mundo - Laura Gutman - Trailer (April 2024).