How to talk to children about death

It may be today, All Saints' Day, the first time our children face the death of someone who remembers this date. Address the issue of death with children It is always complicated, and it is also for adults. This is the approach that Alejandro Rozitchner, a graduate in Philosophy and Argentine essayist, shows us in this video. It simply explains what is the best way to talk to the children about the subject.

When you are religious, you can turn to beliefs to give a transcendent perspective on the issue of death. But when you are an atheist this issue is harder. However, I believe that for both cases the advice we hear in the video is worthwhile, and that we can summarize in three points.

  • You have to tell them about death as you want to know, do not try to impose issues that are not yet raised.

  • Talk about it with simplicity: it is the end of life, it is part of it, it is inevitable, and to the extent that it is lived more and more the concept of death is assimilated and finding a place.

  • Death scares and despairs when we understand that we do not live as we wanted, or we have not achieved goals that we had set; However, as things are achieved in this life, it is not so hopeless.

In short, it is about not see death as a taboo subject and not try to hide it from children, much less lie to them. You have to speak with sincerity and in a language that is close and understandable for each age.

That way, yes we have talked to children about deathWhen they face the loss of a loved one, they will be more understandable to them and will be more prepared to overcome the trance with our help.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | How to explain to a child the death of a loved one, Funeral homes in Barcelona will deliver a children's book about death, Dolls to explain cancer, Always tell the truth to our children

Video: Talking to your Kids about Disasters, Death, Dying and Tragic News (July 2024).