Cityshopping, shopping on request: who chooses clothes for moms and babies?

Have you heard of "personal shoppers" or "personal buyers"? They are people who are professionally dedicated to buying clothes (or other goods) on request. You know each other, learn about your tastes, advise you the best and with the money you are willing to spend, go shopping for you. Well, now Cityshopping Mums & Babies take care of this task by shopping for moms and babies.

Cityshopping looks like this:

CityShopping Mums & Babies opens this section to give you that little help and so you can enjoy being a mom, without stress, without stress and without that feeling that you do not reach everything. We want that before the kid is born everything is ready but in addition to the preparations for the new house, you also have to be prepared and feel good.

But I wonder, am I the only one who enjoys buying clothes for herself and her babies? Or, before preparing everything you need for your arrival? Does so much stress produce that “task”?

As I say, to me I liked to prepare the arrival of the baby, touring catalogs and stores (although it is also true that I am "fast shopping" and did not need a month to choose a stroller). Especially the clothes of the first set, chosen with special enthusiasm and affection. The same for my maternity clothes, which I also consider essential to try on.

Even this store also buys custom made gifts, gifts for other moms or babies, which can be a comfortable option, especially if you do not know the recipients or their tastes very well (then, that they buy you anything), but I find it a little personal gift ...

Another thing is that we have very clear what we want to buy or give away and we cannot go ourselves. Then, catalog in hand, I would tell the personal shopper: "I want this, this and this in such color and size, in addition to some bottles of cologne and gel ...". Although of course, the service is paid, obviously. I think I would manage to "send" any clueless family member to make that purchase if I couldn't!

Another service offered by the store is to equip the baby's room or provide a wellness and beauty program to the future mom. I like this better, to be taken and pampered as a "surprise." But surely it is not so difficult to organize it yourself, or to be organized by whoever knows you best. Surely we save in intermediaries.

Cityshopping provides its services in Valencia and Bilbao, is aimed at personal purchases but also at corporate gifts and events and has other proposals:

  • Custom routes, to accompany you to the stores that they, as experts, consider more suitable for what you are looking for.
  • “Afer-hour” shopping, select stores that can be opened exclusively for the customer when everything else is closed. For moms who work too much.
  • Group shopping, designed for business trips or groups to the cities, organize a shopping route through the best stores, including food.
  • Loock Express at home, for when an emergency arises, a last minute event for which we do not know what to wear, they come home and solve it (my mother! It seems that I live on another planet… )

Anyway, it is clear that this service is not for me. But well, I imagine there will be moms so tired or busy that they can't go shopping, for them maybe the idea of Cityshopping and shopping on demand for moms and babies Be a good option. Whenever you have the possibility to pay it, of course.