Practical keys in your daily diet to take care of you and your future baby during pregnancy

When the news is received that there is a baby on the way, it is inevitable to start making plans. A name, a room and thousands of ideas. But, while looking to the future, it is important to focus on the present. One of the first questions that arise for future mothers is what should I do to make my baby grow strong and healthy?

As a mother, wear a healthy and balanced diet is one of the main keys to ensure that the baby develops properly during pregnancy and lactation. After all, the child's growth depends largely on his diet, which is also very important for maintaining the mother's health.

Imbalances during pregnancy

Nine months of pregnancy imply a very special situation in which the needs of energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals increase. Hence, the vast majority of pregnant women should supplement their diet with some type of nutritional supplement. At this time, they begin to parade pills with which cope with deficiencies in folic acid, iron, iodine, fiber and other minerals and vitamins important at this stage.

According to the report 'Milk as a health vehicle in special physiological situations: pregnant woman', prepared by the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Spanish and Latin American Nutrition Foundations and published in May this year, the diet of pregnant women Spanish does not comply with basic food guidelines. According to this study, their diet has inadequacies and imbalances that must be corrected.

It also includes that Only 50% of pregnant women follow the recommendation to consume three daily rations of dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheeses) when "milk and dairy have an irreplaceable role in the pregnant woman's diet due to its high nutritional quality, since they provide, among other nutrients, proteins of high biological value, calcium, vitamin D and B vitamins. " It should not be forgotten that during these months calcium absorption increases and only the fetus requires about 200-250 mg per day during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Puleva Mama, a comfortable and pleasant help

As a more comfortable and pleasant alternative to traditional tablets, Puleva has launched Puleva Mom. Is a Chocolate-flavored milk drink that helps ensure daily calcium intake, omega-3 DHA, vitamins and minerals recommended during these months when you need an extra help.

The formula of Puleva Mom It has been reviewed by the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) and, according to the data available on the firm's website, a single 100 ml container of Puleva Mamá per day contributes the total recommended daily amount (RDA) of folic acid and iodine. It also supplies 47% of the Omega 3 EPA + DHA CDR and 38% calcium.

The best: its practicality, since the woman obtains all this at once in a comfortable format. In fact, the shake-shaped container conforms to the lifestyle of today's mothers, and its content adds a contribution of fiber to avoid common constipation problems in pregnant women. Its chocolate-flavored milk formula makes it easy to consume and ends up with bad taste problems that sometimes arise with other proposals.

Although for a mother the welfare of her baby comes first, sometimes our lifestyle, work and many other factors make it difficult to maintain a diet as stable and complete as would be desirable. The milk drink of Puleva, 100 ml, has been created to help in the daily intake of vitamins and minerals recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Designed precisely for future mothers to achieve the necessary levels comfortably, easily and quickly.

How to structure a good diet: main keys

As in any other stage of life, it is also essential to follow a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as avoiding fried and processed sugars.

A base made from vegetables, fruits and legumes

Folic acid is a type of vitamin B group (specifically B9) that helps the body maintain and create new cells (hence it is so important during pregnancy, a period of great metabolic activity). It is present in vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce or asparagus; in fruits like orange; in legumes such as lentils and chickpeas; in nuts and in the liver.

Although a diet rich in these foods is maintained, both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare recommend pregnant women ingest a supplement of 0.4 mg folic acid daily. In fact, both advise doing it from the beginning of pregnancy and, if possible, before.

Red meat, nuts and fish

Next to folic acid, iron and iodine are the other two great protagonists. WHO estimates that 40% of pregnant women in the world suffer from anemia. And although red meat, mussels, cockles, clams, chickpeas, lentils and nuts are rich in iron, during the second and third trimester of pregnancy occurs a negative balance that cannot be compensated only with the diet. In figures, the official recommendation is 30 mg daily.

For its part, iodine is located in salt, shellfish, sea fish, blueberries or potatoes. It cannot be stored, so it must be ingested daily. It plays a fundamental role in the cellular metabolism and in the process of development and functioning of all the organs of the baby, but especially of the brain. However, it is estimated that 30-50% of pregnant women in Spain do not consume the recommended daily amount of iodine.

In short, the secret is to eat well and ensure the intake of the essential elements that we have indicated. In this sense, Puleva Mamá can be a great ally for future mothers both for its manageable format and for its precious content. And surely many will appreciate with delight the good taste of chocolate.

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