Immediate postpartum risks: inversion of the uterus

The inversion of the uterus or Uterine inversion is a very rare and serious complication that occurs immediately after delivery, in the last phase of it, known as the phase of birth. That is, we are located at the moment in which the detachment and expulsion of the placenta occurs.

This complication consists in the inversion or invagination of the uterus within its own cavity, which descends through the vagina until it appears through the vulva.

Causes of inversion of the uterus

In most cases, the inversion of the uterus is caused by improper traction of the cord, or a continuous and exaggerated oppression of the uterine fundus when the placenta has not yet been expelled. Other less frequent causes are:

  • Unexpected increase in cough or vomiting.
  • It can occur chronically, not necessarily after childbirth, because of tumors: myomas, polyps, etc. The weight of these tumors puts pressure on the bottom of the uterus causing inversion.
  • By placenta attached to the uterus (acreta), that is to say that the placenta does not detach properly from the uterus presenting the inversion.
  • Uterine inversion in previous deliveries.
  • Births in which the baby is very large.

Types and severity of inversion of the uterus

  1. First degree uterine inversion, that would be the complete investment. It occurs when the bottom of the walls reach the cervix and do not pass beyond the cervical ring. This kind of investment can go unnoticed.

  2. Uterine inversion of second grade: It occurs when the bottom of the walls of the uterus leave through the cervical ring but does not reach the perineum.

  3. Uterine inversion of third degree: occurs when the fundus of the inverted uterus reaches the vaginal introite.

The severity of the uterine inversion is that it immediately triggers a massive hemorrhage, accompanied by severe pain that often leads to shock, infection and if not stopped in time it can take the mother's life.


Uterine inversion treatment

In order for the uterus to return to its normal situation (reinvesting itself), the immediate replacement of the uterus to its original position must be carried out. The medical procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves the subsequent administration of antibiotics to the mother.

The medical team pushes the uterine body through the vaginal canal, a probe is placed inside the vagina and the vaginal opening is closed. Next, a saline solution is instilled into the uterus through the tube to expand the vagina and reinvest the uterus.

Definitely, inversion of the uterus a rare complication that in most cases it could be prevented by avoiding pressure maneuvers of the placenta at the end of labor, during delivery, and take special care in manual removal of the placenta.