A car trip with the children

A car trip with the children You can be especially tired for all family members. For them, because having to be still and without many game possibilities they get bored very quickly. For the elderly, because maybe, if we do not plan things carefully and do not arm ourselves with patience, we can get nervous with the consequent danger.

The fun

A way to prepare a car trip with the children It is to calculate in advance the time that will take us and count on that, approximately every 15 minutes, we should be able to propose a new activity.

Games, paintings, stickers, songs, surprises, delicious snacks, music, riddles are worth anything that comes to mind that can make the time pass faster and with variety. That is a previous preparation work but I assure you that it is worth the effort later and that everyone will enjoy it.

Story books are the best ally of a car trip with the children. They occupy little and can offer a lot of pleasure, but we have to read an adult so that children do not get tired. If our children watch videos or play the console, it is a good time to be liberal with their use. Moreover, agree that their use will be greater on these special days will make them much more bearable.

The stops

Another thing even more important are the stops. We must get an idea that they need to adapt to the needs of children. If we carry a baby, we will have to stop if he cries, if he needs a change or if he wants the breast, without getting angry about it. A little older children is not that the car will be lighter, but they can be distracted a little more.

Anyway, if we stop every hour better than if we do it every two hours, and of course spending more than two hours without a break can be worse in the end than preparing to take those breaks that children need.


For children from four years There are opportunities to share the importance of your collaboration on the trip. We can let you choose or cast lots the sites, always being better to take a half-trip if we have more than one child and dispute between them for a specific place.

We can also explain the time that will last, what awaits us on arrival and even see maps together so that they are aware of the whole journey. Of course, all these amusements will always be safe and we cannot leave the children for a second out of your car seats.

And, although we travel with children, there are basic safety rules that we cannot skip and that we must teach them to respect them too. We should, as far as possible for them, make them understand that the driver should not be disturbed, but that for children under four is difficult to assimilate, so, whenever we can, we will make trips with an adult who can distract them.

The brothers have to know that they cannot fight or shout in the car and that if there is a baby on board it is essential to remain silent while sleeping. These are simple rules that children from four years of age can assimilate and respect as long as we anticipate moments of expansion also for them, such as those we have seen previously.


In addition to food and drinks we must not forget the wipes and tissues, in addition to plastic bags for what is on and a towel in case anyone vomits. Change clothes in a bag by hand will always come in handy. Slippers to be at home to change the uncomfortable footwear on the trip and comfortable clothes to not bother them are other measures that will make it easier for us to face any eventuality.

The babies

The babies They will not be able to negotiate, they depend on their needs and they do not understand anything we impose. Being tied without moving, without arms, can be unbearable. There are those who favor letting them cry until they fall asleep or avoid stopping as much as possible, so that they accept the chair as inevitable. I think it is better to accept that a car is not too natural a place for a baby and understand that he is furious or desperate and cries. We will not always be able to stop.

What we do have to do, even if it costs us, is to be inflexible in the use of the security system. Even at a low speed a slow or small blow, if we carry the baby in our arms, it will make its weight multiply by the speed we carry, and it would be impossible for us to retain it.

So that the baby goes slowly accepting the chair if we can do some things, tricks that will make him get used without suffering. First, be flexible with the stops. Second, try whenever possible that your mother or a relative you love a lot, go to your side on the journeys.

In addition some things can distract you and make you not despair: music you know, brightly colored mobiles, drawings made by us with primary colors and simple shapes, dolls and toys ... all that, in addition to a tight planning your nap hours can make us spend those initial trips with less stress.

With these simple ideas we can prepare well a car trip with the children and make it nice for everyone.