They withdraw scientific article that related autism and vaccination

Twelve years after publishing it, The Lancet retracts and withdraws from its public archive the controversial article that related autism to vaccination.

In 1998 the British medical journal published the result of an investigation that linked the triple viral vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) with the proliferation of cases of autism in children.

As a result, there was a great mobilization by parents who refused to vaccinate their children, to spread the dangers of this vaccine and even request that it be discontinued. As a result, vaccinations fell alarmingly, especially in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

While subsequent research has refuted the first version and demonstrated that despite having removed potentially dangerous compounds from vaccines, autism continues to grow, with doubt installed the damage was already done.

In 2004 a denial was already made public by the magazine but it is only now that he definitively withdraws the article for "containing falsehoods" that cast doubt on the entire investigation process.

It is suspected that there has been a great conflict of interest behind. Meanwhile, the injured have been many children who have contracted infectious diseases that could have been avoided.

The positive thing is that while it was a formal matter, recognizing that the article has falsehoods finally resolves any doubts regarding the relationship of autism with the triple viral vaccine and with any other vaccine.