Dads and moms blogs (XXI)

Today, like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with the best that has been read this week in the blogs of moms and dads.

In the blog Children of Eva and Adan, his pediatrician author and father of a son is taking a tour of the rights of children. These days it has focused since the 1950s, giving account of the different declarations, covenants and agreements referred to children from international organizations.

Maynet It is the blog where three women, pediatricians, pedagogues, psychologists and mothers write about education, child health and family. This week, among other interesting topics, we have learned about a curiosity: the children's character Teo goes to the beach with sunscreen. In a new edition of "Teo goes to the beach" the little redhead does it preventing burns, an idea that started from a dermatologist and which was added by the Institut Català d'Oncologia.

In We got boobs I have read an interesting reflection on the kangaroo method and its non-identification with the maternal hug. Because the maternal hug at birth is irreplaceable, and it is no method, it is instinct, it is nature, it is unique.

Our reader's blog Entribu this week brings an interesting translation of the annotations to a lecture by Grazia Honegger Fresco, the last living student of the mythical Maria Montessori, who has dedicated herself to disseminating her work. The conference assistant and author of the notes is Raffaella Cataldo, one of the best known figures among the homeschoolers from Italy.

I liked knowing also how the nursery is organized in another country, A Spanish mom in Germany He tells us. In Germany the nursery ranges from three to six years, and the groups are 20 children in which the ages are mixed. The time is dedicated exclusively to the game, although for this you can also find some inconvenience.

In Here among us Its author Mayo makes a beautiful and emotional story about stretch marks, those "war marquitas" of past pregnancy and bodies that are not like before having children.

As always in I arrive at the end of the month They offer us tips for the family economy, and this week he told us about the things to consider when buying the high chair.

We take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any blog where you talk about your children or things related to parenting and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read.

Video: Mom and Dad Trailer #1 2018. Movieclips Trailers (May 2024).