Lovely kids in the park: small pets

There are small details that dazzle children in the park. If adults look at them, we may also feel bewitched. It's about rediscovering our surroundings with childish eyes, and you won't tell me that soap bubbles or small pets are not attractive ...

Stir in the park, word of mouth, exclamations and mass displacement of the chiquillería towards a specific point. What do we have there? A little pet!

I'm not worth the big ones. Those are very seen, like dogs or cats. What to say about others less familiar but that could scare the little ones. But ... if the bug is small, it becomes the center of attention. All children want to pet the little pet.

Ooooooohhhhhhh ... What's his name? Do you bite? That eats? Speaks? I can touch it? Will you leave it to me? ... Imagine the eyes of the children open to not miss detail of that little dog, cat, bird, lizard, turtle, mouse, fish (who takes the fish tank to the park?) ...

Surely his "older brothers" don't like children so much! Imagine the scare of the little pet before so many sudden fans. Hopefully, you will still not be able to clearly see those clustered heads around you or perceive the noise, and survive such a stressful experience.

It reminds me (saving the distances) of the sovereign with which family and friends usually receive the newborn baby ... Oh, they are so adorable!

I think that if the animals talked they would say "Let the children get close to me (but not too much ...)". Although children find it difficult not to fall into the networks of these lovely in the park, small pets.

Video: I Love Pets. Badanamu Compilation l Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (July 2024).