The funny viral video of a dance between father and son, to the rhythm of the song of 'Frozen' and disguised as Elsa

One of the things I like most about being a mother (and millions of mothers and fathers too), is having the opportunity to become children again and give us the freedom to play, dance, sing and play dumb with our children. In addition to being a beautiful opportunity to strengthen the bond, invaluable memories are created for both.

Sample of this is the fun viral video of a dance between father and son, in which they not only share a moment together, but also, they turn their backs on gender stereotypes, giving us an incredible choreography to the rhythm of the song of Frozen and disguised as Elsa.

Orjan Buroe is a Norwegian father and comedian. Although he occasionally shares moments with his children on social networks, he recently became news by publishing a video in which he and his son appear dancing to the rhythm of the famous song "Let it go" from the movie Frozen.

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But his interpretation of the popular song was not limited to a simple dance, since both decided to take their dance to a higher level and disguised themselves in Elsa dresses. His son even put on a toy crown for the occasion.

Accompanied by a simple message that indicates that they are spending a relaxing afternoon between father and son because their mother had left, the video has reached more than 23 million views and has been shared more than 297,000 times.

The reactions in social networks

But without a doubt, the best thing about the video (besides, of course, of the video itself) are the comments it has received, in which we can clearly see, that every day there are more people who are against gender stereotypes and have taken it with a lot of humor and positivism:

"I showed this to my five-year-old daughter and the only thing she noticed was "where is dad's crown?""

"That is a father who loves his children. I would do ANYTHING to make you smile and have a great day."

"Where do you get an Elsa dress the size of an adult man? I ask why a friend wants to know ... "

"As he says in the Bible, one should not wear such a fabulous dress without a pair of heels. Please, dad, put on some shoes."

"This is what is right in the world ... Simply a father and his son, wearing a pair of elegant dresses and singing a song"

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While most of the comments are positive, there were some, very few actually criticized the fact that Orjan allowed his son to wear dress, accusing him that he could confuse the child or that he would "soften him too much and then suffer."

Even Piers Morgan, the British presenter who made fun of Daniel Craig and questioned his masculinity simply by porting his daughter, He shared the video on his Twitter account, criticizing him: "Why does this make it a "BETTER DAD" than one who plays ball with his son? Ridiculous".

The comment is what is completely ridiculous, because in addition to obviously criticizing a fun and natural moment between father and son, nobody was saying that this was done by a better father than others who share different activities with their children.

But that didn't bother Orjan and he even responded to the presenter in the best way, with a video in it he appears again dressed as Elsa, this time with a tiara on his head and showing him how to dominate a ball wearing a dress and saying at the end: "You see it? No problem friend".

Why is the video relevant?

For most of the people who commented and shared the video, it's a beautiful and fun moment between father and son, in which both have fun dancing and enjoying while spinning with their blue dresses. But for others, it seems silly.

So I will briefly explain why it is important that these types of content not only become viral, but that begin to look like something normal, and let's stop criticizing that a boy dresses as a princess or vice versa, that a girl dresses as a superhero.

For example, sexism and gender stereotypes are fought, of which we have spoken on more than one occasion, commenting on how much they can affect children, both in their safety, and in limiting their personal aspirations.

And on the other hand, they end up with those outdated ideas that said pink is girls and blue is boys, or that dolls are girls and boys cars. Clothes are just clothes and toys are just toys. Some allow children to express their personality and others function as tools for development and learning. Nothing else.

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Nothing will happen to any boy or girl to dress in a way or dream of being something that does not fit in the "traditional" models of professional careers. However, if we continue to perpetuate those models of toxic masculinity, we will harm them.

So Let's be like this father, let's love our children as they are, and let them be free, play, have fun and blow their imagination, without worrying if they dress up princesses and superheroes or play with cars and babies.