"We are not a homosexual couple, but we share a daughter", the beautiful photographs of a girl with her father and stepfather

Although the traditional family model of father, mother and children still continues in most houses, It is currently common to find different models: single parent, separate, homoparental and reconstituted or assembled, among others. And although they are very different, in all there is a common feeling, which is to protect and care for children.

And a sample of this, is the family that recently went viral, after publishing some beautiful photographs showing a girl with her two parents: her biological father and her future stepfather.

The photographs in question were published by Dylan Lennox on his Facebook account, who is the future stepfather of Willow, a five-year-old girl. The emotional or beautiful of these photographs is not only see the little girl with her "second dad", but also, see in them David, her biological father.

In Babies and more The photo that shows how beautiful custody can be between two families assembled

According to Dylan, the photographs were taken spontaneously just before a school dance of fathers and daughters, by Sarah, Willow's mother, who is also a photographer. Accompanied by a beautiful message, Dylan explains how shared custody works in his family.

Our daughter Willow. Perhaps you will never know how your love has changed us all. The one on the left is me (Daddy, Daddy Dylan or dad bonus), in the middle, of course, is our princess Willow, and the one on the right is David (Daddy, Daddy David or biological dad). We are not a homosexual couple, but we do share a daughter.

David is Sarah's ex-husband and I am her fiancé. We have adapted to a unique family, only by the fact that our children know the power of love. Not only have I won a daughter, I also won a brother and best friend. Thanks Sarah for allowing all this to happen!

When we care more about our children (on both sides of the family) than about the way in which society has educated us (about former partners, and children's mothers and fathers) the walls collapse, life He is free from hatred and remorse, and our children conquer those absurd "norms" that the media have shown us.

He stays at our house when he comes to visit, because the family is always welcome. He is not an outsider, he is and always will be part of my life for the simple fact that we share the same daughter! Of course none of these moments would be like that without the help of Sarah (mommy) and her kind and generous heart. Willow Grace is very loved by many people and your parents love you!

For your information David is single. This is NOT a photo shoot, although Sarah is a photographer. These photos were taken just before a school dance of fathers and daughters. This year it was David's turn to take her. They were spontaneous photos. This is real and these are us.

And although the photographs show a great friendship between the two parents of Willow, David tells in an interview with Motherly that it was not always like that, because the first time they met, it was a little difficult, they both shook hands and talked for only two or three minutes.

According to Sarah, the decision to divorce was mutual between her and David because things were not working between them, and managed to carry out the whole process in a friendly way, although not less painful, since both admit that it was difficult to make the decision but they did it for both, and above all, for Willow.

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And although at first it was complicated for everyone, David and Dylan decided to cooperate instead of competing, seeing each other as allies in the pursuit of happiness for little Willow. Eventually, with that decision, they became friends, and then family.

The publication of Willow's photographs with his two parents went viral and has been shared more than 150,000 times, receiving thousands of positive comments, by the great example of how beautiful assembled families can be when love for children is first put and egos are set aside.

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