10,000 children under six years of age live without a home

In Spain, today, there are many minors who cannot be given up for adoption but whose biological families cannot care for. They live in sheltered centers and grow up without a home to be educated and raised with love. There are 40,000 and a quarter of them, 10,000, are less than six years old. 10,000 children living without a home.

In the Senate has recently made a proposal aimed at finding homes Where these little ones can grow. The reasons are, in addition to how important it is to grow in a stable home for the social and emotional development of children, of an economic nature.

The stay in a center costs between 3,000 and 10,000 euros a month to the public coffers and does not offer the best guarantees for the full development of the child, as the experiences of other surrounding countries have shown, where these centers barely exist.

The idea is to remove the youngest of the centers as soon as possible, then act in age groups until there are no more than the older ones, groups of siblings or children with health or behavior problems, which is for the most complicated is to find families willing to welcome. It is even proposed that these boys do not live in large centers, but in sheltered houses where between 6 and 10 of them live together.

The goal is that children can be with foster families while it is necessary and, in addition, provide them with aids so that they can attend them perfectly, improving the current system that is quite complicated, unknown to the majority of the population and has peculiarities in each community.

There has even been talk of creating a new profession, the child caregiver, who would receive remuneration for working at home attending to these children, being the people chosen for it professionals with health, psychological or pedagogical training. Nothing to do with those foster homes that we may have seen in American films, but true parents and educators dedicated to giving these children the best possible home and attention.

Think about these 10,000 young children, who can spend their childhood in a center, no matter how well organized you are and how caring your caregivers are, it grieves us fathers and mothers. Many, if this were made more accessible, we would surely be willing to make them a place in our home as long as they might need.

Via | The Country In Babies and more | Temporary shelters, solidarity initiatives, Abandoned babies, Emergency Families

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