Chimparoo, cardigan and baby carrier, all in one

Chimparoo It is a multipurpose garment cardigan and baby carrier all in one The same is true during pregnancy, to carry the baby or as a cardigan.

I say a card for calling it in some way because it has so many possible uses that it could be called in many ways. It has been conceived by carrier Canadian moms who have thought about creating a versatile garment with a lot of uses, including baby carrier.

In the video they teach up to 15 different uses. It can be used as a cardigan, shawl, knotted in front, behind, at the waist, at the hip, crossed, open, and can even be used upside down (with the back forward and crossed back) ... It is made of a cotton fabric Biological and non-deformable and resistant elastane that does not lose its original form, which allows many ways to wear it.

Its design allows to carry a baby between 3 and 10 kilos, distributing the weight between the shoulders and the back and also being compatible with breastfeeding.

Although there are uses that you might not give it, it seems to me an original and comfortable garment to carry the baby in tow, since it is integrated into our own clothing.

It has long sleeves and comes in gray, red and black, easily combinable colors.

It costs 130 euros (120 euros as a launch offer) and includes a support band to carry the baby or that is also very beautiful to use pregnant. The price may seem high, but keep in mind that it is a baby carrier and a multipurpose garment, all in one .

I leave you with the promotional video so you can see its multiple uses to see if it convinces you.

Official site | Chimparoo More information | Mimamam

Video: Le Versatile - Porte-bébé - Chimparoo (May 2024).