Breastfeeding twins: nine keys to happy breastfeeding

Finding out you're pregnant with twins can be a big surprise! It is also likely that they begin to invade a lot of doubts regarding their upbringing, and if you had decided to breastfeed, maybe now you wonder if you will be able to breastfeed two babies.

Although breastfeeding after multiple births may require greater complexity and organization, this feeding option is the most beneficial for mother and babies, both short and long term. We give you all the keys so you can enjoy a happy breastfeeding with your twins.

Your breasts produce milk based on demand

This is the main rule that you should keep in mind. And it is very common to think that the organism is "programmed" to satisfy a baby, but that it will not be enough to satisfy two or more. There is also the belief that one baby will "steal" the milk from the other. But none of this is true, but they are two of the many myths that revolve around breastfeeding.

The mother's organism responds proportionately to the feeding needs of all her children, be one, two, three ... As long as milk production is stimulated through suction, it will be enough for everyone. In Babies and more Twin pregnancy: the most common discomforts in each trimester and how to relieve them

At first, the mother's breasts will produce enough colostrum to feed her newborns, and days later, with the proper stimulation, the rise in milk and the body will start adjusting its offer based on the demand it receives.

"When they tell you that you will not have milk for everyone, or that your milk will not be good enough, or that the effort is not worth it, remember that there is ample scientific evidence that shows that all mothers produce the best milk for their children, and that women can breastfeed not only one baby but several "- we can read on the website of Alba Lactancia

Trust you and your body

All mothers we need to trust our abilities and our bodyAnd when it comes to breastfeeding, it is important that we feel able to feed our babies with our milk, if we want to.

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is an important challenge that requires additional information, support and great organization. But otherwise, there are no differences with breastfeeding a single baby, so we should not think that we will not be able to breastfeed our children.

Information is power

The nine months of pregnancy offer us a wonderful opportunity to inform us, read and document us about breastfeeding and parenting. In the childbirth preparation classes we can also consult all our doubts, and even attend breastfeeding groups where we can chat with the consultants.

Another wonderful idea is share time with moms of multiple; Watching them feed their babies and raising their concerns to them will help you when it comes to dealing with this experience for the first time.

The importance of skin to skin

!! Congratulations!! Your babies are born!

If all is well and possible, it is important that put them on your chest immediately, because early skin-to-skin contact favors a better establishment of exclusive breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have long been emphasizing the importance of the first hours of the newborn to achieve satisfactory breastfeeding; and these first hours must start from the delivery room.

In Babies and more This changes the composition of breast milk when the baby is born premature: amazing!

If your babies were born prematurely, they will most likely have to stay in an incubator for a while (how long it will depend on their gestational age and physical conditions), but this should not be a reason for not being able to touch and hug your children if doctors consider it so.

In this situation it may be difficult at first to establish breastfeeding, but in that case it is important to stimulate the production by means of a breast pump to be able to offer the extracted milk to your babies. Remember that breast milk is the best food a newborn can receive, but in the case of premature babies it is much more.

The healthcare staff will explain how to pump your milk and offer it to your children. You should start doing it as soon as possible, periodically and increasing the amount extracted each time.

Remember: breastfeeding premature twins is possible if you have the right information, emotional support and the necessary practical help.

Patience: you are getting to know each other

Whether you are breastfeeding a baby, as if there are two or even more, the important thing is not to set goals or expectations, and trust you and your children.

The first days at home, or even weeks, it is normal to feel overcome. Tiredness also does not help, so it is essential to have a good support network.

He thinks that for any mother, the birth of their child implies a knowledge of this and their needs that are arriving little by little. Give yourself time to get to know your children and adapt to each other.

In each shot, offer a baby a different breast

When breastfeeding your babies it is advisable to alternate them every time, that is, not always assign the same breast to the same twin. In this way, we will ensure that one breast does not produce more than another, since if there is a twin with more suction force, it will stimulate both breasts equally helping to establish a more uniform supply.

Comfort and grip right

Just like when a single baby is breastfed, It is essential that the mother is comfortable and the baby's position is correct. In this way, we will avoid the appearance of cracks caused by a bad grip, pain when breastfeeding, and production interferences.

As to whether it is better to breastfeed the two babies together or separately, experts advise choosing the method that makes the mother more comfortable, although breastfeeding at the same time will save you time.

At first, you will probably prefer to breastfeed separately while you get used to breastfeeding, as well as opt for a cushion or pillow that makes your task easier and helps you avoid tension in your arms. Little by little, with time and practice it will be easier for you.

Choose the best position

exist several positions to breastfeed twins . It is best to try them all until you choose the one with which you feel more comfortable and safe. Go to your midwife or a breastfeeding group for advice.

In Babies and more 11 positions to breastfeed and achieve successful breastfeeding, what is yours?

Some of the most recommended positions are:

  • Rugby ball: You must place each baby under each of your arms and hold their heads with each hand.

  • Cross Position: you are sitting and your babies hooked to each breast parallel to your body but crossed between them.

  • Mixed Position: It is a combination of both positions. You remain seated and one of your babies is in a rugby position while the other is clinging to the chest parallel to you.

  • Stretched position: the mother lies on her side on a bed. A baby is lying parallel to her, while the other breast of the other breast is lying on the mother's body.

As your babies grow and gain autonomy, it will be much easier and faster to breastfeed at the same time in any position.

The support is essential

And although it is something that we have mentioned throughout the article, we emphasize again the importance of support for the recent mom, especially after multiple births. Being a mom of twins is doubly wonderful, but also doubly tiring, so help should not be missing.

This help should come from both the environment and health professionals so do not forget to consult with your doctor or midwife any questions you have during the first days. Support your partner and your tribe, seek expert breastfeeding help when you need it, and Mark your own rules regarding visiting hours and things that others can do for you.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

Video: Breastfeeding: Benefits Beyond the Bond (May 2024).