Highlights in Babies and more: from December 6 to 12

One more week, entering the final stretch towards Christmas, we present our review of the post Baby highlights and more.

In our Christmas Gift Guide we have presented the proposals we have compiled for children from 1 to 2 years old and for those from 2 to 4 as well.

We have explained some interesting things about conciliation. First, the existence of a type of professionals, mothers by day, who take care of children in their own homes and that little by little begin to be better known in Spain. The bad news, in this regard, is that Europe will not extend maternity leave to 20 weeks.

Speaking of health, we have collected a study that states that babies born in winter could be more prone to depression and also the risk, in this clear case, that children exposed to tobacco smoke suffer from invasive bacterial diseases.

Continuing with health, we have explained how to properly do the intimate hygiene of children.

Already in relation to birth, we have told you two good news: the possibility of choosing the type of delivery that San Joan de Deu Hospital already offers and the greater presence of parents in pediatric intensive care units.

And finally we have asked you, as the end of the year is approaching, if any reader has considered advancing the delivery to be able to cash the baby check.

We continue, now, working, to offer you this week that begins the most interesting news and advice we can, to help you live more intensely and happily your motherhood and fatherhood.