Irritations in the folds of the baby's skin

The baby's skin, especially in newborns or in the most plump ones, may present irritation in the folds and even get up. We must know that the skin of the baby is thinner than that of adults, has less thickness and also a greater weakness in the different layers. All this implies that it is more delicate, more vulnerable to bacteria, temperature changes, irritating products and less lubricated.

Sweat, dirt, traces of milk or fluff accumulates in the skin folds. In addition to the neck we can find those folds in the armpits, thighs and even in the michelines. This can cause skin irritation, whether it is raised, inflamed or scaly. To take care of it and avoid infections, some simple measures can be taken to alleviate the problem.

First it would be convenient clean these folds well before bathing, with a baby milk soaked in baby oil, preferably natural Then, clean them well in the bathroom, without pulling, and always using suitable hypoallergenic products, without running over the soap and using your hand better than any sponge.

When you leave the bathroom you have to dry those folds very delicately, without rubbing, but avoiding moisture. Then we can take care of them with butt cream, water paste or hypoallergenic and natural baby moisturizer. It is also good to put cornstarch paste or breast milk, cleaning it later.

What if there is that to avoid is to use talcum powder or any cream that contains medication. In addition, if we believe that the folds may be infected we should see a doctor before using any treatment. With these simple tips it is possible to improve irritations in the folds of the baby's skin, avoiding discomfort and keeping them taken care of, because healthy skin is very important for the well-being of our little one.