What are the fertile days to get pregnant

We want to have a baby, and I want to meet what are the fertile days to get pregnant. It is not always easy to achieve pregnancy, and it is that of the woman's cycle, only a few days her body is ready to conceive.

Fertility is the ability to have offspring, and results from the interaction of numerous factors, primarily biological. The fertile days of a woman are those in which her organism has everything necessary for her to become pregnant when her mature ovum enters in contact with the sperm of the man.

To know the fertile days of women we can rely on their menstrual cycle or calendar, and in physical signs such as basal temperature or vaginal discharge characteristics, factors that are related, since they determine the woman's cycle.

The menstrual cycle and fertile days

To know the fertile days of women we can turn to our menstrual calendar, that is, the cycle that usually follows ovulation and period in our lives. This or always is simple, since many women do not have a regular cycle, but we will try to define what would be a normal cycle to determine where they are located the fertile days most likely to get pregnant.

In Babies and more Ovulation: how to know if I'm ovulating

The woman's cycles, between one rule and another, usually cover 28 or 30 days, so the central days of the cycle will be the most conducive to getting pregnant: 14 or 15 days after the first day of menstruation. Let's look at the phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • Follicular phase: The first phase is called follicular, it begins on the first day of the period and ends at the time of ovulation, when the egg is released. During the follicular phase changes occur in the uterine cavity, in the endometrial mucosa, to prepare for the possible implantation of a pregnancy.

  • Ovulation phase: ovulation is the process of emission of the ovule after the formation of an ovarian follicle. The ovule is the female gamete, a cell produced by the ovary, carrier of the genetic material and capable of being fertilized by a sperm.

  • Luteal phase: After ovulation the luteal phase or the yellow body begins (a gland that appears in the ovary after ovulation) that lasts until possible pregnancy is implanted or until menstruation occurs and the next cycle begins. If fertilization does not occur during the period of time in which the ovule is arranged, the woman's body is preparing to eliminate the ovum with the following rule.

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As we can see, in the middle of the cycle the fertile days begin, those in which the woman is ovulating, that is, when the ovary releases a mature ovum that descends through the fallopian tubes. As we say, this usually happens about 13 or 15 days before the period.

During ovulation, which can last two or three days, the egg waits to be fertilized by a sperm. Since the sperm can last alive inside the woman's body for 48 to 72 hours, it is possible that fertilization occurs even before that day 13, before the mature egg has dropped.

exist ovulation tests They are able to detect this period through the increase of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in the urine of women, although there are also other ways to know the days of greater female fertility.

We go on to comment on the physical signs they announce what are the fertile days to get pregnantThis is what the ovulation period is, based on vaginal discharge and basal temperature.

Basal temperature and female fertility

Basal temperature is body temperature when we wake up. It is related to the woman's menstrual cycle, so certain temperature changes will indicate that ovulation will occur. The synergistic fertility method It is based on these temperature changes in women.

To detect them, it is necessary to take the basal temperature correctly, and by means of simple annotations and the constancy during several months we will be able to know which are the best days to achieve the pregnancy in regular cycles…

The method does not predict ovulation but indicates that ovulation has already occurred, so only if we establish a regular pattern of several months will we be able to predict ovulation more safely. Let's see what the average temperatures are (which will vary depending on the usual temperature of each woman).

It is advisable to start taking the temperature on the first day of menstruation and write it down every day on a table like this.

  • Before ovulation, the basal temperature usually ranges between 36.5ºC and 36.7ºC.

  • As a consequence of hormonal changes that produce an increase in progesterone levels, the temperature usually increases between 0.3ºC and 0.5ºC in the two or three days after ovulation.

  • That increase is maintained until the end of the cycle, when the next menstrual period begins.

If the measurements of our daily temperature are similar in those months, we know that having sex from the days before the temperature change We will be more likely to get pregnant, because we are supposed to have ovulated.

That is, if we follow this method, we must start the relationship a few days before the temperature increase, since the ovule may already be ready for fertilization, even if the temperature change does not indicate it. Interpreting the basal temperature table is not complicated, here you have a model to print.

Vaginal discharge and fertile days to get pregnant

There are other physical signs to recognize fertile days to achieve pregnancy. The hormonal changes that govern the cycle produce variation in the texture of the vaginal discharge.

  • On days when the woman is not fertile, the cervical mucus is whitish or yellowish, little abundant and rather sticky texture. The vulva is not naturally lubricated.

  • About half of our cycle there are changes in the texture of the flow due to the action of estrogens. In the two or three days before ovulation, the flow increases in quantity, becomes transparent and takes a filamentous texture, similar to that of egg white. The most fertile period begins on the last day we detect that type of cervical mucus, abundant and sticky (similar to egg white). This change occurs to help sperm reach the egg. Gradually the flow becomes more and more sticky and dry, when the ovulation concludes.

Hormonal medication, such as that contained in the contraceptive pill and fertility control implants, regulates hormonal levels and interferes with the functioning of the cervix, distorting these natural fertility symptoms. Therefore, it may take some time, after the end of the use of this type of medication, to recover natural fertility symptoms.

In short, let's use the method we use, if we have frequent sex from day 13 of our cycle (for regular cycles of 28-30 days), for about five days, we favor fertilization, although this does not only depend on the ovule being mature and prepared.

As we know, there are other factors that can influence pregnancy to be achieved, and not all cycles of women are as regular (as in polycystic ovarian syndrome) and correct the days on which the ovum is mature. For longer cycles, ovulation would begin later on day 14, and for smaller cycles we would have to advance that date.

Know our body well, know what are the fertile days to get pregnant, can help us achieve conception. Keeping track of menstrual cycles is essential to locate the fertile period, and from there, good luck!

Photos | Dan Zen and Hamed Saber on Flickr On Babies and more | What are my fertile days, How to increase the chances of pregnancy, Curiosities about ovulation, When to leave contraceptives to achieve pregnancy, Natural fertility methods, Billings or Syntothermal

Video: Female fertility animation (May 2024).