Calendar for 2011 of Unicef ​​in Argentina: Humor and Breastfeeding

Although we are already in April I want to present the calendar that UNICEF and the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, together with the FUNDASAP (Argentine Society of Pediatrics Foundation), published for this year related to breastfeeding.

Each month, a graphic joke drawn by important artists who have given up their work to accompany a phrase in favor of breastfeeding and thus offer a bit of humor to such an important subject for babies has been used.

Those responsible for the calendar say the following about it:

The objective of this 2011 calendar is to socially stimulate the discussion about breastfeeding, its benefits for the physical and emotional health of women, children and its advantages for the family and the community as a whole.

The calendar can be seen on the UNICEF website in Argentina and the message ultimately responds to the intention of both WHO and the same UNICEF of trying to achieve the highest possible health status in children.

For this reason there is the IHAN (Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Breastfeeding Assistance) and for this reason WHO continues to insist on the importance for babies and society of breastfeeding until six months exclusively and up to two years or more along with other foods.

Video: FPC Briefing on the New International Child Labor Report and Business Compliance Tool (May 2024).