The last traffic of your children: Guillermo and the Cola Cao party

We keep collecting Tired of your children that will remain in the annals of history as moments, in the end, more or less funny. And is that the imagination of the kids and their desire to explore has no limits, as happened to Guille "experimenting" with Cola Cao.

Maria, her mother, tells us about this two years ago, but that has not yet been surpassed in the family. I leave you with his funny narration of the case, because it has no waste, and with a very sweet ending:

It was a hot day at the end of June, and Guillermo, César and I were returning from the supermarket to buy food and drinks to prepare Guillermo's second birthday party, which was the next day. That day in the morning I had cleaned and picked up the house so that it was “decent” to receive the visitors, the only thing that was in between was a lego train and some more scattered toys around the room, as usual.

I arrived loaded to the top of the supermarket bags and began to place the purchase frantically, while Guillermo played peacefully and quietly in the living room ... I, immersed in putting all the food and soda in our already crammed refrigerator, I did not notice from what was cooked in the living room, until a delicious chocolate aroma stimulated my nostrils ... where did that familiar smell come from?

When I arrived at the salon, I almost had an attack: Guillermo had taken one of the Cola Cao bags of kilo and a half that came in the box (I imagine that climbing on top of it had burst, since he had no scope object to crack it) and had scattered the content throughout my freshly clean and tidy room.

The lego train looked like a landscape of some city after the eruption of a volcano, buried under several tons of ash, Dumbo's stuffed animal had lost its gray color to become a chocolated elephant, the sofa, above and below, its clothes ... everything, everything, was full of cocoa powder, a day before the birthday party.

The truth is that between the one that messed me up, how good it smelled and how handsome I was made me want to eat it. I could only do one thing: take out the camera to immortalize his "work", and then get into the vacuum, which was flavored with chocolate until a few months ago he said his final goodbye.

We want to thank your mother for sending us the photo of Guille's last one with Cao Cola, also described so beautifully. And we encourage other parents to do the same. If you want us to publish a cramped of your children you can do it by sending an email to [email protected], explaining the cramped and attaching some image of it, with a minimum width of 650 px.