Since I'm a mother I go in tracksuit

One of the most obvious changes that a woman experiences when she is a mother is the limitation of the time she can spend in front of the mirror, going from several minutes to several hours (I know more than one who instead of entering the sink seems that the enter) a few minutes or seconds when you have a child in your hands (or in your arms).

This makes many women go to the streets much less well-groomed than before they were mothers and causes many to change their usual dresses and even jeans, more or less tight, and shoes of greater or lesser heel for a more comfortable tracksuit and sneakers (or maybe not so much, but almost).

For many women this is a temporary logical process that will soon end and for many others, although in the eyes of the environment it might seem something like a “how careless you are, you are not the same”, it is something like an evolution to logic and practicality: "I like to dress well, but since I was a mother I go in tracksuit and what used to look like clothes at home now seems to me the most logical attire for day to day ... and without shame, hey".

Logical evolution or temporary process?

As I say some women see this change as a logical evolution and from the moment of being a mother they start to wear something different, even when they are arranged, perhaps because life in general makes them more practical. Others instead seek comfort just because it is how they feel better to take care of their baby, but then they can dress again the way they feel best (I do not talk about comfort, but feel comfortable with the image you project) .

I am not a mother, logically, but I do notice that my closet has changed a bit since I have children. I have bought more comfortable clothes (as I was in my teens) and less "tight", which stylizes my little figure a little more but ends up overwhelming me. I do not know if this change is because I have been a father or it is a leap that I would have taken equally, although I feel quite identified with my wife who, from Monday to Friday, you saw like this, with a tracksuit.

Luckily there is the "sport" clothes

Before finishing I want to clarify that there are clothes and clothes. You can go with sportswear more or less "elegant", for example there are sports pants without rubber on the ankle, which despite being considered "tracksuit", are more elegant than those of the typical ankle band (even more if they are black instead of light gray-almost-pajamas).

It is not that some mothers go better than others, but that this type of sportswear is a little closer to the “sport” clothes and, in fact, many women do not reach the tracksuit but stay there, in casual wear, as comfortable as sportswear but that "dresses" more.

And you?

And you? Do you see yourself recognized in this that I comment? Do youYou have put comfort and practicality before the image and sensuality?