Mayor, Pastor, Blacksmith… Does the surname impel us to work on what he designates?

As we have seen when talking about the origins of surnames, many of them derived from trades. They are those that come from the profession exercised by the person or family associated with the family name. But, Could our last name be inclined to work in the job you designate?

I read an interesting post in Xataka Science that gives an account of a rather pilgrim study that says it could be that our surname somehow attracted our vocation.

According to this study conducted in 1975 by Lawrence Casler, of the State University of New York at Geneseo, names could influence the employment we are going to play as adults. At least it seemed to exist a strong correlation between the last name and the occupation chosen.

This author compiled a list of 200 academics who worked in areas related to their surnames. The study was titled "Put the blame on name" and was published in Psychological Reports.

Some examples of these strange coincidences were an underwater archaeologist named Bass ("bass, sea bass"), a marriage counselor named Breedlove ("love producer"), a tax expert named Due ("Expiration"), a medical specialist of the vulva called Hyman ("Hymen") and a psychopedagogue who studies parental demands called Mumpower ("Mom's Power").

The New Scientist magazine, in the late 1990s, compiled examples sent by its readers, those who worked on something related to what their last name designates.

Miss Beat ("Miss Compass") was a music teacher, as was Miss Sharp ("Miss Miss"); Flood ("flood), Frost (" frost "), Thundercliffe (" thunder cliff ") and Weatherall (" All about the weather ") were members of the British Meteorological Office.

Lust ("lust") was a sexual advisor. Peter Atchoo ("Pedro Achís") was a pneumonia specialist. And the director of a psychiatric hospital was called Dr. McNutt ("McChiflado").

The defenders of these studies affirm that these coincidences are not only a product of chance, as it seems to me, but they think that some people feel unconscious attraction to occupations related to their name.

Surely you know similar examples with Castilian surnames, we only hope that among the Executioners, Lladres, Balleteros or Saeteros there is no one who wants to implement these "offices" ...

Video: Pastor Mike's Joke of the Day (July 2024).