Summary of the week from August 24 to 30 in Peques and More

Although it seems incredible, the eighth month of the year is over, and despite the high temperatures, many of us already imagine the arrival of autumn and we face the inevitable shopping for back to school: backpacks, clothes, shoes and books will occupy our heads for a few days and take us to neighborhood stores or large stores in an attempt to choose products that meet the needs of our children and fit our budget.

Judging by the heat nobody would say that autumn is over and we may even want to greedily take advantage of the waters of the pool or the nearest beach, what is certain is that more than ever we will take advantage of the last days of vacation of our children . In Peques and Más we care about your families and we offer you Tips addressed to you who have children or nieces between five and 12 years old, we have brought articles dedicated to nutrition, free time, Nature, shopping and much more. Do you feel like reading us? As usual Marcos has told us about some of his experiences, and the truth is that some are very didactic such as practicing English with a French deck, we have also had fun reading about a foam party with children and about the progress of her girl learning to swim.

Surely our readers have found useful the recommendations we gave to buy the best shoes for children and about going back to school according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, talking about going back to school we thought it would be useful to talk a little about sleep , food and other aspects to consider in the previous days. On Friday 26, we dedicate an article to all the fathers and moms that you have driven back home after the holidays: some advice never hurts, and also some ideas so that your children do not get bored too much in the car.

We have gone shopping to see the children's clothing offered by Zara and Vertbaudet, and also to marvel at Leticia's creations in "My Potato Heart", don't miss it. And in addition to buying we have known the movies that Pixar has announced for the next two years, attentive all because surely one of those films you will see as a family!

Among some varied posts we had among our pages a special one dedicated to your firstborn (older brothers), and we have also known how to decorate a children's bedroom, and changing the subject we go to nutrition reminding you that the season for eating grapes starts right now and It has many nutritional properties.

Marcos has spoken to us about education by offering us advice on the teachings and equipment in new technologies that schools should possess, and on the other hand he has given us an interesting reflection from a video that is part of the Networks program.

Eroski Consumer has updated its Guide to Natural and National Parks in Spain, and we have echoed, to inform our readers, and because we are looking forward to autumn to take long walks under the trees in these parks. And more for free time because we have reviewed Lazy Town magazine for children.

We hope you like our news, that you continue reading us and that you enjoy your kids very much.

Video: How-to: Use WordPressPodPress to podcast to iTunes (May 2024).