Prevent the spread of lice in children

As every year, the school year begins and the dreaded presence returns pediculosis, or lice infestation, an issue that brings parents and educators upside down. As parents, and before the unwanted guests appear in the head of our children, we must take into account some advice on how to prevent the spread of lice in children.

His contagion has nothing to do with the personal hygiene of the child, nor that of the school, nor that of his house, this is only one of the myths that surround him. The louse is a small insect, without wings, that only feeds on man, does not jump, nor does it fly, and that is only spread by contacting head to head, or also by sharing combs, brushes, caps, hair accessories or pillows with the infested person.

There is a long list of lotions, shampoos and all kinds of treatments, homemade or not to eliminate lice. But we will focus now on a previous phase, what should we do to avoid the spread of lice.

  • Avoid, as far as possible, direct contact between children's heads.

  • Perfume their hair (it can serve as a repellent), preferably with colonies or herbal essences such as lavender, tea tree or geranium. Pharmacological repellents are not recommended for prolonged use.

  • Do not share towels, brushes, combs, hats, or hair accessories.

  • Brush their hair several times a day to weaken the lice, if any, and prevent them from laying eggs.

  • Pick up girls hair

  • Check the heads frequently, especially dentras of the ears and neck: it is easier to remove a couple of nits, even manually, than to eradicate an entire colony, with lice and adults.

  • Run the clothesline frequently: after washing and applying softener, with wet hair, comb the child with a special comb to remove nits and lice.

Video: Q&A about kids and head lice: What parents need to know (May 2024).