Asking the boy about school

Children, when they start school, face a new, different world, with older people who are going to have authority over them but with those who do not have a previous relationship or emotional bond that reassures them, with unknown children with whom there may be a good connection as well as tensions. Y asking for the school and interested in their experience we can be at your side when they need us.

Just as there can be an easy integration into the school there may be situations that we or we do not like or problems. The key to getting to know how our son's life in school is, even with the little ones, is to do feel comfortable talking about it, expressing oneself freely.

For our children to tell us about their day to day school do not question them directly and unilaterally, but if we introduce a fluid and safe communication in which both they and we tell each other our experiences. Of course, for the child to trust us, we must listen openly, without minimizing their bad experiences, or downplay their fears or dislikes, or prosecute or qualify them.

Communication and trust are a process of years, in which we work from birth, respecting the child and responding to their emotional needs, but which must be sustained throughout their childhood and adolescence.

We can start a conversation about the adventures of the day and go introducing questions how are you: what did you like most about school today ?, what was the worst of the day ?, did you do something fun in class ?, what game did you play today ?, do you like the lyrics (or the sums, or whatever you know they are giving) ?, What things are different between this year and the past?

There are some issues with which we are going to have to be especially attentive to help the child, talking with him so that he can integrate his surroundings or talking to the school if we are not satisfied with the procedures used: the punishments imposed and the reasons why he is punished, the rules and regulations of the school , their differences with those of home and the reasons (or unreasonable) of these new norms, the attitude of the caretakers of the dining room or the quality of the food.

Posing a good communication in which the child can trust that he will be heard, that we care what he does, his games, his amusements, his challenges, that he will be able to count on us if he has a problem, we will put an excellent base to know Well your life away from home. To achieve this, let's not forget ask them quietly about school.

Video: asking a boy to my first high school dance!!! (May 2024).