Family Responsible Companies

I recently read a story about a company that had obtained the "familiarly responsible" certificate, and I wanted to inquire a little about what it means. The Family Responsible Companies They correspond to a business model linked to the Corporate Social Responsibility movement.

A company is familiarly responsible when it develops policies and programs with special attention to women and people with family responsibilities and support for the life and family unit of the employees. These are policies regarding maternity and paternity, education, dependent care ...

These plans are also in the field of employment stability, labor, temporal and spatial flexibility, equal opportunities and diversity management, HR policies ... That is, a complex of perspectives that ultimately seek make possible a better work and family reconciliation.

This is a project of the Foundation + Family (promoted by the Spanish Federation of Large Families, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and a set of diverse companies), which has developed the certification model "EFR1000", which aims to audit to the companies that request it and to recognize those that effectively meet the criteria to be considered “familiarly responsible”.

The EFR Initiative is a certificate in conciliation and equality and a unique management tool in the world that provides a simple and effective methodology to enable reconciliation processes in companies.

In theory, as we read in The salmon blog, this certification would serve to differentiate companies, increasing their reputation and advantageously positioning them in the labor market, in financial markets (attracting investment from the so-called “socially responsible”) or to potential “socially responsible” clients.

In addition to entities and companies, there are familiarly responsible municipalities that would facilitate conciliation measures in their environment.

The full list of entities that obtain the certificate appears on the EFR Certificate website, but also other companies that have been withdrawn or canceled, which indicates a Business monitoring process so that the measures are not breached, which seems very positive to me.

Anyway, Family-responsible companies favor work and family reconciliation of your employees We hope that in the future no certificates are needed to accredit companies that meet these requirements and be because normal and what is determined by law are effective conciliation policies.

Official Site | EFR Certificate More information | The Salmon In Babies Blog and more | Suspension in labor conciliation and its consequences, Spaniards leave work two hours later than the rest of Europeans

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