How to do manual breast milk extraction (video)

Manual or electric breast pumps may not be effective for all mothers. There are those who prefer to express the milk manually, so for them I let you be explanatory video of how to do manual breast milk extraction.

The advantage of manual removal is that it can be done anytime, anywhere without devices, and therefore less likely to be contaminated. You only need to wash your hands well beforehand and use a sterilized container to collect the milk.

The video will help mothers make a manual breast milk extraction very simply, with hardly any effort. With practice you can do it with enough skill and get the amount needed for a baby in a few minutes. What I have found very interesting in the video, especially, are the previous massages that are performed to stimulate the ducts and facilitate extraction.

It is a very effective solution for when the mother, for whatever circumstance, cannot breastfeed the baby. This way you can provide her milk so that she has the best diet, even when she is not there.

Video | Youtube via In Babies and more | Great video that teaches how to express breast milk manually, How to extract and store breast milk (video)

Video: Hand Expressing (July 2024).