In which cases are antibiotics useful?

Antibiotics are very powerful medications that are often misused by parents because of ignorance. They should not be administered to cure diseases lightly because the cure can be worse than the disease. Let's see then in which cases antibiotics are useful and in which not.

Antibiotics are medicinal substances that they serve to fight a type of microbes called bacteria, which collaborate with the body's natural defenses to eliminate and prevent them from reproducing. It comes from the Greek anti: against and bios: lifetime.

Therefore, antibiotics are recommended. just to cure infections caused by bacteria sensitive to the antibiotic, that is, they can be attacked by him. It is always the pediatrician who must determine the cause of the infection and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

Being medicines to cure infections of bacterial origin, any infection caused by a virus such as most upper respiratory infections, for example, cold, flu, acute bronchitis, or most sore throats they are not cured with antibiotics. In these cases they are totally ineffective.

On the other hand, if they are useful for diseases caused by infections of bacterial origin, such as tonsillitis, bacterial pharyngitis or some ear infections (not all).

The problem of administering antibiotics indiscriminately, when they are not really necessary, is that they can cause unwanted effects, causing future infections resistant to those medications.

When antibiotics can no longer cure bacterial infections, new drug-resistant germs, known as superbugs, which are much more virulent and increase the risks of patients.

Antibiotic resistance is a matter of great concern to medical experts and is considered one of the most important public health threats worldwide.

Antibiotics have important adverse effects, they can be worse than the disease, therefore it is essential to know in which cases antibiotics are useful and when they should not be used.

Never administer to the child an antibiotic if it has not been prescribed by the doctor, and in case you need it it is very important to respect the doses, the time of treatment, and not to use antibiotics that have been prescribed on another occasion or to another person .