Initiative "Let's talk about vaccines from science and knowledge"

Criticism and rejection of vaccines are not new, but in recent times they have become more widespread. The initiative "Let's talk about vaccines from science and knowledge", promoted by the Spanish Association of Vaccination.

It is a consensus document of societies and scientific associations against disinformation about vaccines and in defense of truthful and proven information, and so far has the support of many of these associations.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap), Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene (SEMPSPH), the Spanish Association of Nursing and Health , the Canary Society of Public Health, the Northern Society of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SOCINORTE) ... are some of those who subscribe the document.

The Consensus Text, which we can read completely from the website of the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap), is summarized in the following fundamental points:

  • In recent times there has been an increase in statements against vaccination.

  • In the media (press, radio and television) arguments against vaccines are heard by professionals from different fields, against the current and may be looking for a notoriety that otherwise would not get.

  • The damage done by the publication of Wakefield in "Lancet" in 1998, relating the measles vaccine with the appearance of autism, is still in force today, although its main author was disabled for the practice of medicine because of the falsehood used. It has been shown that the study was a fraud, the controversial study has been withdrawn and the truth has even been explained in a comic, but there are still people who use it to be against vaccination.

  • Only the vaccines can be attributed to changes in a few years in the incidence of diseases such as polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, etc. One of the misconceptions about vaccines is that these diseases were already previously controlled, much less eradicated.

  • He increased incidence of measles It is one of the comments. During the year 2011, until the month of September included, more than 28,000 cases of measles have been reported in Europe, most of them in five Western countries: France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Romania. At least eight deaths from this disease have been reported (six in France, one in Germany and one in Romania) and 22 encephalitis, and 32% of cases have required hospitalization.

  • The Spanish Association of Vacunology, from its multidisciplinary composition, with professionals from different fields of medicine related to vaccines, together with the scientific societies signing this document, we believe that the time has come to work from the unity of these societies and the health administration to develop strategies and actions that make it possible to get the population's confidence in vaccines.

In short, as we see, there are still many myths about vaccines and a lot of misinformation, while vaccination is one of the most controversial parenting practices. This consensus document proposes that "Let's talk about vaccines from science and knowledge". Do you join?