Cold sores in children: why it appears and how we can relieve its symptoms

Cold sores, also known as oral herpes, febrile herpes or "fever", is a blister-based lesion that appears on the lips or around the mouth, and can be very bothersome for the child.

It is caused by the herpes simplex virus, it is very contagious and especially dangerous in babies younger than six months. We tell you how cold sore is spread, what symptoms it presents and how we can relieve its symptoms.

Herpes simplex virus

The herpes simplex virus (HSV), which is divided into type 1 and type 2, is the cause of cold sores or fever, although Most cold sores are caused by HSV-1, especially in childhood.

In Babies and more Herpes zoster in children: why it appears and how it is treated It is estimated that most children between the ages of five and six have already come into contact with the virus for the first time, although some may do so later.

According to the WHO, almost 70 percent of the population under 50 would be infected by the virus, but thanks to the body's defenses, it goes unnoticed without causing symptoms. Only in certain situations is it activated and causes oral lesions.

The virus is highly contagious., whether or not they have symptoms. And although for most of us it is not dangerous, it could be for people with a weakened immune system or for babies under six months.

When and why does cold sores appear?

When a person comes into contact with the virus, it remains "asleep" until is reactivated by certain circumstances, for example:

  • Infections or certain diseases
  • Fever
  • Exposure to sun, heat or cold
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Small injuries and lesions on the skin of the lips
  • Malnutrition and Dehydration
  • Hormonal causes, for example during the menstrual period in adolescence

Some people are more prone than others to cold sores, and any circumstance causes the lesion to appear. In those cases we would talk about recurrent herpes (six or more episodes a year), and It is important to consult with the pediatrician if it occurs.

Symptoms of cold sores

Cold sores usually develops in the outer part of the lips, although it could also appear on the inside, although it should not be confused with canker sores. Other frequent locations are usually around the mouth, such as the chin, cheeks and even near the nose.

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The initial symptoms are a slight tingling or burning in a specific area of ​​the skin, which occurs even before we can see the lesion. Subsequently, a small one will appear blister reddish and vesicle, which will be reproduced (as a cluster) and getting bigger over the hours.

During the first days, the lesion usually stings, itches and pains until the formation of the scab, which will dry and fall within a period of one to two weeks.

When the child first comes into contact with the virus, especially if you are under five years old, you may have other associated symptoms, such as high fever, drooling, gum inflammation (gingivitis), neck nodes and difficulty eating, due to internal oral lesions.

How it is spread and how it can be prevented

Any person who has first come into contact with this virus, present or not present symptoms, can spread it through saliva, although the contagion is maximized in the moments of outbreaks.

Since it can be spread without symptoms (and therefore not be visible to other people), the best way to prevent it is to educating children about hygiene and contact measures: teaching them not to kiss on the mouth and not to share certain objects with other people, such as glasses, cutlery, napkins, toothbrushes ...

If your baby is under six months do not allow anyone to kiss him in the mouth or on the hands, and in case any nearby person has cold sores, the AEPap recommends use mask and cover skin lesions.

Other prevention measures that we can carry out are:

  • Use lip cocoa and face cream with sunscreen before sun exposure (skiing, field trips, beach ...)

  • Keep the skin of the lips always hydrated, to avoid dryness

  • Do not bite your lips or bite objects that can cause minor injuries and injuries, which may lead to the subsequent appearance of cold sores

  • In case of recurrent herpes, if we have identified the main reason why they occur, try to avoid those triggers as much as possible

Why is it dangerous in babies under six months?

Though It is very rare that this virus is given in infants (According to the AEPap, in 2016 there were three possible cases in a sample of 3,401 infants), if produced it could become very serious and even fatal. This happens because your immune system is still immature and the infection could spread rapidly and affect the vital organs.

In the case of the newborn the infection can occur due to an intrauterine infection during the last stage of pregnancy, or through contact with the genital secretions of the infected birth canal, although, as we say, it would be a rare condition, with an estimated frequency of ten cases per 100,000 born.

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Cold sore treatment

As usual, cold sores do not require any specific treatment, and in the course of two weeks it will have healed completely. Of course, it is advisable to keep the area hydrated with petroleum jelly or cocoa lipstick - in order to prevent the blood scab -, wash your hands frequently, and do not touch the lesions, to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the skin .

But there may be cases in children (especially if it is the first infection) that require more attention. The pediatrician will tell us how to proceed in this regard, but the general indications of the AEP are the following:

  • Use of paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve the discomfort caused by fever

  • Use of local anesthetics to reduce pain from injuries and gingivitis.

  • Soft diet and cold foods in case there is difficulty eating.

  • Increase in fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

  • In certain cases, treatment with specific antivirals may be necessary, although they may not cure the infection but may help minimize symptoms.

We should consult with the doctor if the symptoms worsen or persist beyond two weeks, if accompanied by eye irritation, and, of course, if it occurs in babies or children with weakened immune system.

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Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 things you didn't know about cold sores (May 2024).