How to act in front of tantrums, according to Leslie Power

I want to show you a brief interview with the Chilean psychologist Leslie Power, child development expert, founder of Birth and Parenting, promoter of parenting with attachment and by the way, to whom Facebook censored some photos breastfeeding her baby a few months ago.

In a few minutes, explain clearly how to act in front of tantrums in a comprehensive and loving way, empathizing with the child's feelings.

The tantrums, tantrums or tantrums They are absolutely normal and healthy reactions for the child's development. Through them they express their needs, fears or frustrations. As parents, we must do what is in our hands to prevent them, or when they occur, because they will surely occur, act with empathy and patience Towards the needs of our children.

It seems simple to explain but at the time the tantrum occurs it also seems easy to lose your nerves. If we understand the reason for the tantrum and accompany our children in their moment of rage instead of punishing or belittling their needs, we will get a better connection, which will eventually result in a better parent-child relationship.

It is, in general, what Leslie Power explains in this video, who by the way you will be interested in knowing (it is very active on Twitter).

It also coincides with the philosophy of Rosa Jové, who speaking of children's tantrums tells us in his name: "Love me when I least deserve it because it will be when I need it most" Or what is the same: "Try to put yourself in my place because I'm having a hard time too".

Video | Youtube
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