Platform for Educational Freedom

It has recently been presented in Madrid the Platform for Educational Freedom. This new movement maintains that parents are first and foremost responsible for the education of children and young people, points out the rigidity of the Spanish school system and its increasing inefficiency and advocates the recognition of homeschooling and flexieschooling as valid, legitimate and effective.

The Platform for Educational Freedom claims that the legislation of various democratic countries in our environment recognizes the right of families to educate at home or use partial and flexible state education services and wants to highlight that there are still families who are persecuted in Spain for having made the conscious decision to take personal responsibility for the education of their children.

The fundamental request of the Platform for Educational Freedom defends that it is necessary for a legislative change in Spain to allow and recognize forms of education other than face-to-face schooling such as distance schooling, flexischool and schoolless education. We wish them and wish them the greatest success in their journey.

Official site | Platform for Educational Freedom in Babies and more | Educate as a family, new book on homeschooling, Homeschooling in Spain, Everything you want to know about homeschooling in Spain

Video: The US Army Cyber School - Saving Millions & Achieving Educational Freedom Through OpenStack (May 2024).