Infertility is a disease

Infertility is a disorder that affects 15% of couples of reproductive age, a phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Their causes are varied, including the increasingly advanced age of becoming parents.

Sometimes the problem is underestimated, but it is a real suffering for couples who want with all their desires to be parents and do not get it. According to the president of the Spanish Fertility Society, Dr. Federico Pérez Milan, infertility is a disease Like any other health disorder.

This has been said in the last congress on fertility held a few days ago in Granada as a result of the current situation of public health. It must be recognized that the financial capacity of the public health system is not that of a few years ago, but it cannot be understood that fertility treatments are considered out of place as a public health benefit, since It is a treatment for a pathology, like any other health problem.

Thanks to increasingly advanced assisted reproduction techniques, many couples fulfill their desire to be parents. Effective techniques currently focused on strategies that reduce the percentage of multiple pregnancies are used to avoid risks in the mother and fetuses.

It is important to recognize that assisted reproduction is a therapeutic medicine to treat reproductive disorders and not a “luxury medicine” which can be dispensed with when things go wrong.

There are almost one million couples who need assistance to conceive, so experts stress that it would be "a mistake" not to consider Reproductive disturbances as a disease.

Video: Recent Advances In Treating Womens Infertility & Metabolic Disease. UCLA OBGYN (May 2024).