Active parents, active children

There is nothing like the example of parents for children to adopt the same way of life. Children do what they see, also in the sports field, therefore if the parents are active, the children will also be active.

By inverse property, if parents want their children to practice physical activity, it is they themselves who should start exercising.

This is stated by common sense and also a recent study published in the journal Journal of Physical Activity and Health in which 83 families with overweight children participated.

Parents and children were encouraged to improve their level of physical activity by walking two thousand steps each day. According to the investigation, the days that mothers arrived or exceeded the goal of two thousand steps, their children took an average of 2,117 more steps. When the mothers did not reach the goal, the children only took 1,175 additional steps.

Something similar happened with the parents. That is, when parents and children practice exercise together as a family, the tendency is that the children are more active.

Parents who adopt a sporting lifestyle instill in their children a sporting attitude. In addition to affecting their physical benefit by reducing the risk of diseases such as overweight and childhood obesity, it also has an impact on the teaching of values ​​such as respect, responsibility and perseverance.

Therefore, if you want your children to increase the amount of exercise they do, you have to be more active yourself.