Mexican engineering students develop a project aimed at children with autism

Last April we met the communication tool PIKTO plus on the occasion of the Autism Awareness Day and today I want to tell you that a group of students in Electronic Technology Engineering of the Guadalajara Campus (Mexico), They have developed a project consisting of an electronic game that responds to the need of people with autism to associate objects or symbols through visual stimulation.

It is called 'Abby' and has won the third place in the "Concept" category of the First Technology Forum Expo for people with disabilities, organized by the Government of Jalisco. The development of this slide has been part of the academic training of this team of students, and the beginning of this project took place during a subject class 'digital technology integrating projects'.

The six fourth semester students contacted the HACE Foundation and this useful tool emerged, whose key advantages are versatility, low cost and resistant materials.

It is designed to be robust and low cost. If the child throws it, resists and does not break, and even if that happens, it does not represent a large expense, in addition to having the flexibility of libraries and offering updates

It is possible that Abby is also useful also to people with cerebral palsy or other disabilities, or to apply in special education or early stimulation. And this is because the device It contributes to the learning of names of the elements of the environment, providing assertive educational experiences for the user and is based on the reinforcement of basic skills, which helps to assimilate the concepts of things.

At the moment you have the prototype, you need to develop the USB part and exterior design. Students plan to continue working on the device during their career then consider presenting it to the Business Incubator of the Guadalajara Campus.

I really liked that these students have developed such a useful device, and that they demonstrate so much creativity and vision of the future in the project they have generated.