How a boy named Wyatt won a contest to help a sick friend

While in Spain the children began to join the school again, In an Illinois municipality called Edwardsville, an eight-year-old boy gave the reason to all those of us who believe that children are generous and selfless (although sometimes we don't want to see it)

The little hero is called Wyatt Erber, and has a sister named Anna, but her feat has to do more with the relationship Wyatt has established with her neighbors Connor and Cara Kielty. The two boys are the same age, although this fact is not what most interests our protagonist, who upon learning that the small Face of only two years had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, decided that perhaps he could help her. Fortunately, the community initiative still works in these times of individualism, and the parents of Cara have received different samples that confirm it, however in difficult times and before a treatment that must cost 100%, what they most need is an economic aid To face it.

And Wyatt must have understood it perfectly, because he started selling cookies baked by himself (along with his sister) to raise funds, and has ended up earning $ 1000 in a treasure hunt organized by First Clover Leaf Bank of Edwarsville. After spending the summer months looking for clues around the town in a 'treasure hunt', he finally won the prize and donated it to Cara's family.

Surely in all this they have a lot to do with their parents, who must have facilitated the acquisition of empathy, and the satisfaction of helping whenever others can. The Kielty had trouble accepting the donation, but surely Cara will never forget the help he received from his neighbor being both children. Other neighbors and entities have given money to collaborate with the cause, although the whole city speaks of the gesture starring Wyatt.

I was very impressed with Wyatt's determination, because despite his young age he was able to finish a contest that required perseverance and above all a lot of interest. Y I was greatly surprised by the ability to focus your goal on such a noble act as selflessly helping a fellow man, I think we can all learn a lot from this child.

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