Happy Hobbit Day!

Tonight, if you are passionate about The Lord of the Rings, I propose to celebrate today's party in style: Hobbit Day.

Hobbit Day It was proclaimed by the American Tolkien Society in 1978 and the reason for the election is that it is the September 22 day on which the two most famous hobby heroes of his books were born, at different years: Bilbo and Frodo.

The celebration that we propose is sure that your little ones love it if they already know the history and even more the elders, if you are passionate about Tolkien.

To celebrate the Hobbit Day We will make a snack-dinner with party, dance and, although we are not going to launch fireworks as it corresponds to a great celebration in La Comarca, if we will light some more modest flares. We will read some fragment of "The Hobbit", we will be barefoot as it corresponds to a being with big hairy feet.


Finally, those who endure, will stay to watch a movie, although I do not guarantee that my son's plan can be fulfilled, which is to see the complete Trilogy even if it costs him to be awake until dawn (I do not recommend it to anyone with small children) . What you can see is the beginning of "The Fellowship of the Ring" that surely little ones like very much.

Well, we wish you a Happy Hobbit Day and we send many greetings from Hobbiton.

Video: Happy Hobbit Day (July 2024).