How many obese children are there in the world?

Childhood obesity and overweight are important problems worldwide, we often bring you the numbers of obese children in Spain, and WHO also warns about the increase in cases in the world. According to data from the World Health Organization, there are in the world over 40 million children under five years of age.

In 2010, around 43 million children under five years of age had a high weight, and what was once a problem of high-income countries, currently both obesity and overweight are increasing in low-income countries and medium, particularly in urban settings.

So we can check for example on the interactive map of childhood obesity in the world. In developing countries they are living about 35 million overweight children, while in developed countries that figure is 8 million.

Recall that these disorders are related to major health problems: 44% of the burden of diabetes, 23% of the burden of ischemic heart disease and between 7% and 41% of the burden of some cancers are attributable to overweight and obesity.

And to this we must add cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), musculoskeletal system disorders (especially osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the joints very disabling; although other bone diseases such as osteoporosis can also be prevented from childhood ) ...

Hopefully the following data offered by WHO are more hopeful, we will be attentive to offer them, although we are afraid of increasing cases of childhood obesity.

Meanwhile, we must remember that prevention and the establishment of healthy habits from childhood is very important.

Because of those 40 million obese children in the world Many will be sick adults, simply because they weigh more than they should. These disorders would not appear if the child's weight were ideal, and in our environment it is the responsibility of the parents that the children are in their weight.

Video: Parents Slow to Recognize Obese Children (May 2024).