In Frikids they analyze the applications for children that can be used on Apple mobile devices

Frikids It is a web page with a very clear objective, it is about offering, mainly to parents and educators, a useful tool that includes app analysis for Apple mobile devices. And it is that every time the offer of applications is higher, the implantation of mobile devices in homes is more widespread and above all the quality of the applications is increasing so it is necessary to perform more precise analyzes than those that can be found on iTunes.

Frikids has been created by Jessica Robles and she along with her team of analysts in addition to the site administrators, make available to all readers a page with a very careful usability in which they explain many applications. The focus of the analysis takes into account the boys and girls between 2 and 10 years old.

On your website, Frikids recommends accompanying the child while using the applicationsIn this way you can get the child to enter the management of interactivity, discover the contents and share with the family their successes and achievements during the learning process. For teachers it also seems to me that it is a reference site and that the project can serve them to be informed and with criteria to be able to decide if they use them in class in a complementary way to other tools.

The page is structured in sections. Apps and Premium Apps they analyze the applications and specifically those they consider Premium. They also have a section of present, promotions and a section of manuals in which they include specific content so that parents and teachers can easily approach this new form of children's entertainment and learning.

We congratulate Jessica on the Frikids initiative and hope that it will become a reference as a specialized analysis site for children's applications. And we hope that in the medium term your focus will be, not only those of Apple but also those of many more specialized sites such as Google Play or PaquitoLand. It is very important the work of dissemination of these applications and parents will thank you for the tremendous offer, the difficulty of choice and the necessary discipline in use among our children.

And, one of the risks that parents are running with so much application and cost, apparently so low, is to give the children the feeling that the contents are to be used and thrown away. And we need time to mature and explain to children the value of the games and the books that are published.