Tips for first-time parents: breastfeeding

When we are parents for the first time doubts and fears inevitably arise and more if the environment intervenes with advice and unfortunate comments. The fundamental issue that can help you is to remain calm and let yourself be guided by your instinct of protection and by what your child, without speaking, communicates to you. Anyway, here are some tips for new parents. Let's start with breastfeeding.

Tips for new parents: breastfeeding

It seems drawer, but what about breastfeeding It is on demand that sometimes we have to clarify it. And again it is simple, breastfeeding, in a healthy baby, is on demand and on demand is on demand. The clock is your son and he will ask when he has to eat.

If you ask every ten minutes, you have to give the tit. If I breast an hour, tit. Nothing to give every three hours or count or ten, or fifteen or thirty minutes to each breast. Let him suck that he will only ask for what he needs. You have to check the posture and wet diapers properly, but, apart from that, each child is a different world.

The baby's stomach is really very small when it is born and the amount of milk that it will drink in each teat is, logically, tiny. That is why it is completely normal to ask almost continuously and also, the higher the suction is well established, the more the production will increase.

Other things to keep in mind is that some babies will regurgitate milk after breastfeeding and, as long as there are no other symptoms such as pain or weight loss, you don't have to worry especially.

Nor do you have to obsess with the baby gas, especially if we talk about breastfeeding and especially if the child falls asleep suckling. Nothing to wiggle if he is asleep, let alone hit his back. Sometimes it is enough to incorporate it a little and give it some soft passages on the back, but, in general, if the baby rests in our arms or if after a while it burps, we will realize that nothing more needs to be done.

As I said, it is perfectly normal and desirable for the baby to fall asleep to the chest. Moreover, it is expected and see that face of satisfaction is wonderful. If he falls asleep sucking, dripping milk through the corner of his mouth, everything is fine. That sweet face is one of the great joys of breastfeeding. Pay no attention to the supposed experts who threaten that the child will never sleep without a tit.

These absurd advice on how to sleep while breastfeeding will never learn to sleep without a tit are for robots and not for human babies, no matter, just don't pay attention, it's nonsense. The normal thing is that a baby falls asleep suckling and you should only worry if it is a small with low weight or bad grip that does not take enough breast.

Morning, tips for new parents Facing difficulties are breastfeeding and some basic guidelines for dealing with them. Keep in mind that these tips are very general and that it will help you a lot to learn and deepen this topic.

Video: Top Five Things Moms Should Know About Breastfeeding (July 2024).