Toy that recreates a bank robbery: can it incite violence in children?

Apparently it is a harmless toy: nothing more than a Playmobil set representing a bank robbery. Yes, in great detail: blunt white weapon in the thief's bag, complete emptying of the safe, etc.

However, some anti-weapon activists have been very alarmed because the Playmobil group is not lacking in detail with which to organize a very violent armed robbery. Danny Bryan of Communities Against Gun and Knife Crime (an organization that helps young people avoid violence in the UK) has told the Dailymail that 'It is unthinkable to encourage young people to see this kind of thing'.

I have to tell you that I am a peaceful and pacifist person, that I don't believe in conflict resolution through violence, and that I have never bought my son (the girl has not asked for it so far) weapons that are designed in the image and likeness of those that are real and kill people. Although I admit with a certain blush that he got one of his grandparents to buy him a Nerf when he was eight years old.

But from there to scandalized by some dolls equipped to rob a bank! Very sincerely in a matter of this type of toys Pirates produce much more rejection. Yes, those people who find children so fascinating (encouraged by the cinematographic image) and how much damage they did.

What do you want me to say? I think that with the Playmobil children represent the reality they know and imagine invented stories. In this case it is not the child who is armed but the doll, and each one will have a different reaction, but surely there are those who introduce a new character: the negotiator, so that everything is resolved in an acceptable way.

As parents we must think more about the type of violent images that kids receive daily through different visual media, on the impact they can have on their minds. And understand that boys and many girls, whether or not they have weapons, will represent imaginary battles brandishing sticks like a sword, and will continue to take 'thieves to jail' as part of their games.

In short, I think that for the kids it counts more the analysis we make as adults of the world around our children (with a critical look), letting them express themselves to know their opinions.

Video: 10 Awful Things Inspired by TV (May 2024).