Would you buy beauty products to make your child more handsome?

The capacity of surprise of the human being seems to be infinite (and it is good that it is), this is what I thought when a news article published in the Dailymail came to my hands, which referred to the beauty products that some parents buy to see their children 'more handsome'.

At first I discarded an innocent because the entry is not published on December 28 or on April 1 (Pranks Day in Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom, among other countries). But I told myself, having met mothers who inject botox to girls, others who give breast augmentation operations to their daughters, now I reaffirm myself in the obsession with the outer beauty that seems to prevail in this society!

How are we going to educate children when our own aspirations are so immature? I hope you will excuse this generalization, and I assume that - fortunately - most dads and moms have much more common sense (or so I want to think about). The truth is that I am not sure about the validity of a survey conducted by an Internet sales site. But still I am still surprised by the fact that the parents Buy lip gloss, fake tan, nail polish, and even mascara, and all for children.

Apparently, 39% of respondents commented that the purpose of the products was to arrange children for a special occasion, although 30% want to improve the physical appearance of their children

In my opinion, if these data are true (we all know that when they stop you to do a survey, and depending on the issue in question, many may not take it seriously), there are two things that are very bad in all this story:

  • The belief that children should improve their physical appearance, my daughter says that all children are handsome; and I think that it makes no sense to dirty the natural beauty impregnated with innocence and naturalness that children carry.

  • What self-esteem can a child have that his mother or father intends to beautify artificially? Are you not sending the non-acceptance message?

The mechanics of the survey consisted of asking more than 1300 parents from all over the United Kingdom, who had a child between 0 and four years old. What I needed to know! If someone needs to improve the appearance of a baby, What will happen when the daughter or son is 14 years old?

The parents who answered also expressed their fears about their son being ugly (one in 12), although fortunately more than half are ashamed of these thoughts. Y almost 30% admit to having judged the beauty of their friends' children.

I wonder where that time has gone when 'my son is the most handsome in the world!', And when we were able to look at any child and admire his spontaneity, his sonic laughter, his childhood features and his messy hair , without asking which of them is more beautiful, because they all are.

And after asking myself this, I would like everyone to think about the true goal of the obsession with physical perfection, and what interests are we serving.

Oh! And by the way, as Mark Pearson (president of MyVoucherCodes, a company that has conducted the survey) states: 'It is important to remind parents that beauty products are usually intended for the skin of an adult and not must be used in children '.