Summary of the week from March 27 to April 2 in Peques y Más

This week in Peques and Más we have interviewed Walter de la Sax Band who told us about enthusiasm and interest of children in music. In addition, he presented us with the agreement reached by the Sanpol Theater in Madrid, so that the kids discover the history of music, the operation of a Big Band, the musicians that compose it, how the instruments sound, etc.

At school and although we were on vacation, we have been fascinated seeing the cities of more than one million inhabitants from the ISS (International Space Station). We also take the opportunity to talk about the gamification with a case study and success of an Australian bank that wants to educate children in finance with Coinland. And we really liked the initiative of Ever Salazar to start editing videos in Spanish about physical. We take this opportunity to leave a message to Pope Francisco through Classroom 365. And finally we comment that almost a quarter of the health messages contained in textbooks have an unknown level of evidence.

In Health We mentioned that cases of Crohn's disease are increasing among the child population. In addition, we reviewed a brochure from the Junta de Andalucía about sex that has been prepared for teenagers and that on Twitter commented that children seemed to be treated as pieces of meat. We were surprised that Amy Cheney's seven-year-old daughter was willing to go on a strict diet. We also commented that the consumption of drinks that do not contain sugars during childhood reduces weight gain and fat. About the vaccines, we mention that scientific societies show their disagreement with the single vaccination schedule. And we reflect on what to do so that the children eat more fruit and vegetables and acquire healthy habits.

In disorders We present the Happy Geese application that the Spanish company Appically has developed for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) and other special needs. And during this week we also focused on Peques and Más on how to protect children from sexual harassment on the Internet.

In Crafts To do at home we commented on how to make hair in the drawings made by the children using needle and thread. We indicate what characteristics the activities had in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante. And during Holy Week we encourage you to make the crispy nests of Easter eggs with chocolate and cereals.

On books We present how to survive the challenge of being parents, and help the family to progress with the work The Brain of the Child. In Darkness we are told a story of friendship based on trust with a story of how Luna's family is happy again. And in the Applications The tangram for mobile devices arrives and for children to test their ability to create.

And as we see in the image that illustrates the article, much better if we communicate with the children near and at their height. We were a little sad about the death of Manuel García Ferré with whose creations many children grew up in childhood. And if you want to take advantage to perform shopping and supplies for the summer, we mention Hi-Tec sneakers to enjoy nature as a family. And for kids to enjoy an authentic reproduction of a polar bear, they just have to stop by the National Geographic store in Madrid.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!