Is it adequate to breastfeed in the church?

Every year we find news about women who have been reprimanded and even invited to leave public places for breastfeeding their children. That is why I wanted to ask myself if it should be forbidden to give the tit somewhere or if it is inappropriate to do so out of shame or out of respect for others, for example, if it is appropriate to breastfeed in the church.

The legislation does not prevent breastfeeding anywhere in Spain and of course it is not a gesture of impudity or provocation. That said, it is clear that there are still people who consider it inappropriate and do not hesitate to let mothers know that they offend them and try to prevent it.

If they do it in restaurants and museums, Would the same thing happen if a woman breastfeeds in a church?

I can't really understand this sensitivity. Maybe it's something cultural and people with a very particular education are really offended to see a woman breastfeeding. But since it is not bad at all, I do not see the reason for not doing so because of a prejudice outside nature.

Others, rather, will have such a dirty mind that they consider it a sexually inciting act, but the problem, after all, is theirs, not the mother's and her son's.

I think there should be no problem if a mother breastfeeds in a place of religious worship. If God exists I doubt that he offends him to feed a baby naturally in a church, after all, if he is everywhere he will see it the same and it was He (or She) who made us mammals and our nursing babies. Sin or impudence are in the eye that looks, not in the act.

I am sure that there are many churches where breastfeeding is a normal and acceptable act, that nobody gets scared about it, and besides, I am also sure that in the first Christian communities, it did not occur to anyone that the woman left the meeting of Breastfeeding cult. Moreover, the galactotrophus virgins (images in which Mary appears breastfeeding Jesus) are a fairly common representation in history.

I leave this reflection on if it is appropriate to breastfeed in the church and I encourage you to tell us your experiences and opinions.

Video: Citi News Focus: Antenatal in a church; the predicament of Tetegu nursing mothers (July 2024).