"Why do things have names?", A book for small philosophers

Surely your children have surprised you on more than one occasion with some unexpected reflection, with an existential doubt, with some philosophy's own question of those that leave us momentarily unanswered. And is that the thinking of children begins to have no limits.

A good way to stimulate this ability and Giving answers to some of the questions of our little philosophers is this book, "Why do things have names?", thought for them.

The book, intended for children from four years old, invites us to discover philosophy with Plato, in a fun and surprising way, with drop-down and pop-ups for the little ones. Because it is never too early to teach them to think for themselves, to exchange ideas and to act freely.

These are some of the questions that we are going to find, some related to etymology, a question that my older daughter is curiously interested in lately:

Why things have name? Why is a horse called "horse"? Is it because he has hair? Is it because a gentleman rides it? Or is it the gentleman who is called "gentleman" because he rides horses? Could a horse be called otherwise? Could it be called "giraffe" or "clown"? Do you know why Plato is called Plato? And why is your name as your name?

The book for little philosophers "Why do things have names?" is edited by Errata Naturae in his philosophy collection for children Small Platons. There are 30 illustrated pages with die-cut and pop-ups and its price is 16 euros.

Official Site | Errata Naturae In Babies and more | "It's just the beginning", a documentary about children and philosophy, Philosophy for children

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