Small details that brighten your life: a drawing on the sandwich bag

Being detailed with the people we love, and especially with our children, is a very nice gesture, I would say essential. Those little details that make your life happy You can be in something as simple as what David Laferriere, an illustrator and graphic designer, does: surprise your children every day with a drawing in the sandwich bag.

After preparing your children's snack every morning and before putting it in the backpacks, it takes five minutes to draw a picture with permanent markers in the plastic bags where they carry the sandwich. Of course, the drawing is surprise, they don't see it until lunchtime. And there is the grace.

He does it for the satisfaction of see your children's reaction every day About the drawing he has made. He says that an idea comes to mind and he must draw it quickly, there is not much time at that time either.

It seems like a silly idea, but it is a custom that he has maintained since May 2008. Imagine the amount of sandwiches he will have prepared in five years! Upload photos of the drawings to your Flickr account every day, where you already have more than 1,100 images collected. His drawings are already so well known that they catalog them as Sandwich Art.

I'm not saying that you become illustrators of sandwiches bags, but that do not forget to be retailers with your children. It is a small gesture that costs us nothing and (and) makes our lives happy.

Video: 25 CRAZY FOOD HACKS (July 2024).