The American Medical Association asks that minors be allowed to be vaccinated even if they do not have their parents' authorization

The anti-vaccine movement is one that has been acquiring many adherents in recent years. Because of him, millions of children and young people in the world are not being vaccinated due to the beliefs of their parents, based mainly on the misinformation that comes behind this movement.

But even though those kids grew up in an anti-vaccine family, many of them don't think the same as their parents. Therefore, the American Medical Association (AMA) has decided to ask the states that create policies that allow minors to be vaccinated without needing their parents' authorization.

A few months ago, a boy named Ethan Lindenberger became world news. The reason? Challenge your mother anti-vaccine at the age of majority, starting to get all the recommended vaccines.

Investigating about his case, we found out that Ethan was not the only boy who went against his family's false beliefs, and that even in forums like Reddit, there were boys and girls minors asking for help to see how to get the necessary vaccinations without parental authorization.

In Babies and more Dutch teenagers can get vaccinated if their parents did not immunize them when they were children

Now at the annual AMA meeting in Chicago, delegates voted to promote state policies that allow minors to cancel their parents' rejection of being vaccinated, and thus be able to receive the necessary immunity without them being prevented.

This decision comes from the concern that exists because of the recent outbreaks of diseases such as measles, which are preventable through vaccination, and to see that There are many teenagers who want to get vaccinated, but they have not been able to do so because their parents do not allow it.

Although it is a good initiative that joins the rest of the measures taken by various countries to stop the outbreaks of diseases already eradicated, this proposal it needs to be further analyzed and reviewed in detail how it would work and the age rangesWell, not all minors could be able to make such a decision, in addition to reviewing other important factors.