The first child in the United States who receives a brain stem implant can hear

Yesterday on television I could see the reaction of this child to hear his father's voice for the first time and I jumped a tear. Actually, imagine what it has to be for a little boy who has lived in absolute silence for three years to hear any voice and all the sounds that surround us ...

Grayson Clamp was born without a cochlear nerve, which connects the brainstem to the auditory waves outside, and although he had received a cochlear implant, it did not work because he lacked the basic auditory canal.

Then his adoptive parents decided to point him to a clinical study of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at the University of North Carolina, which is experimenting for the first time with an operation that has so far been carried out on children in Europe, but there was limited to adults.

To the kid a brainstem auditory implant was performed, and is the first child in the United States to hear for the first time after the device succeeded in replacing that basic auditory nerve.

The video, which has more than 400,000 visits in just two days, is in English and some titles tell the story of the child. In it we can listen to the father and the doctors who practiced the child's intervention explaining details of it (eye, also with real images of the operation).

It is from minute two of the video when we are going to see that special day in which the boy hears his father's voice for the first time. The boy is speechless and with astonished eyes points to the direction where he thinks the sound comes from. His father tells him that he is the one who speaks.

Although it is difficult to know how the child hears, Grayson's adoptive father says his son is beginning to discover the music, and he often turns on the radio himself. We are very happy for this little boy and his family and we hope that the children who now wait for this same intervention can also hear very soon.